Healthcare and Insurance
Every day, Videk partners with leading insurance organizations to tackle barriers to customer service and operational excellence by applying real-time intelligent vision inspection & data management
Automatically account for accurate and secure personal information
The accountability for timely, accurate and secure delivery of customer communications is critical -- whether it’s personal health history, or claimant reimbursement payments.
Meanwhile, industry mandates and internal audit programs drive compliance requirements that need to be met with every page of each print job. Production print teams are increasingly responsible for managing more variable data content, higher production speeds and the complexities of emerging commercial high-speed color inkjet print systems.
Every day, Videk partners with leading insurance organizations to tackle barriers to customer service and operational excellence by applying real-time intelligent vision inspection & data management technology to overcoming quality, productivity, and efficiency hurdles in applications ranging from claims check and explanation of benefit (EOB) printing, to customized benefit booklet production.
The result is that document services teams are empowered to:
Automate data reconciliation procedures to meet company and regulatory audits with ease
Assure the data security of every document produced & eliminate the potential for privacy incidents
Reduce manual labor while increasing overall integrity assurance
Eliminate sources of costly waste in time and resources
Meet uncompromising standards of zero-defect document quality
Top Applications:
Production Reporting & Auditing - detailed analytics for proof of work, job accounting and regulatory compliance
Forms Verification - automated per-page assurance of correct form usage for the job
MICR and Barcode Verification - ensuring seamless, accurate processing and check negotiability
Front-to-Back Matching - assurance of sensitive data security
Custom Booklet Assembly Integrity - monitoring page-level production accuracy of individualized booklets
Print Quality Inspection - detecting common corruptions including streaks, voids and registration errors
Color Quality Monitoring - inspecting each page to ensure critical color quality and brand standards are met